Life Manual Readings are intuitive, in depth readings from the everyday you to the authentic you
With refined, empathic skill, Kate feels how you feel & reflects it back to you. She builds a picture, layer by layer, of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour patterns. Underneath all the learnt behaviours and coping strategies, she uncovers your true nature and all the qualities you possess
Your true self is unique and has a particular way of working. The way you were brought up, (the culture of your family, time period and society) is shared by few. These internal and external forces interact to create a story entirely specific to you
Seeing the bigger picture and learning how you alter your true self & why, is extremely enlightening
To use a yogic term - It is a reading of your samskaras
Connecting with the deepest part of yourself brings you healing, understanding and gives you a practical guide for your own life
With a clear overview, it is then possible to create positive change and see a way to expressing your true self in all aspects of your life
The readings work at a deep level and are more suited to people that have good self-awareness and experience of personal development or therapy
This is a healing experience and needs to be taken when you feel ready, therefor it is best to book for yourself, not for others
There are two types of reading; Drawing and Direct Layers
Kate can draw your energy field, just like a spiritual before and after picture
The first drawing depicts you as you are now, caught up in your everyday behaviour patterns. The second drawing depicts you as you are in your true energy flow, your true nature and full potential. This reading is very beneficial as a first reading and gives a great overview. It is the suggested reading if you don’t quite know what the problem is, or where to start. It will help you get a lay of the land and see where you are at. The most important issues of the moment show up. It works well if you are a visual learner
The drawings are not meant to be masterpieces, they serve as very helpful visual aid. Some of the true flow pictures do make beautiful patterns though and all carry a wonderful energy
This is the reading to choose if you want to explore the energetic layers behind a specific feeling, behaviour pattern, circumstance or illness. To begin, you will need to know and be able to explain, what the feeling is that you want to explore and where in your body it is. Kate will then follow the layers of that feeling
This does not mean that you are the cause of the circumstance or illness. We are not always responsible for what happens to us, but we are responsible for processing our feelings about it. We are not responsible for what is handed down to us, but we are responsible for healing ourselves from what has been handed down to us
Processing a situation, heals a situation
When you heal and begin to operate from true flow, it turns old circumstances on their head, changes relationship dynamics, brings connection, opportunities and a good energy flow to our bodies
You will get a clear picture of yourself and your life right now, as if someone had written your own personal life manual
You will see your circumstances in a completely new light and gain a deep understanding of yourself
You will gain clarity and direction
It will remind you what is true for you
You will receive healing to the core of you and love for your core-essence
You will feel seen and heard on a deep level
You will get a more meaningful answer to life, the universe and everything, than 42